"Not all who wander are lost."

Friday, February 12, 2010

The Importance of Women Friends

Sometimes in our society, women are portrayed as back-stabbing, jealous, gossipy busy queens, with out real friends. I can honestly say I am grateful for this friendship the belles have together. It is true, that we only had one common denominator when we started this wonderful adventure, Shannon. But as our wise leader noted, we came together for a purpose. That purpose binds us 5 different, opinionated, loving women and shows all women it can be done. As Leslie posted earlier it is about compromises. We are there for each other, to build each other up and to learn how to be a better friend. I want my daughters to see how wonderful and meaningful it is to have true women friends! To see the comradeship, the laughter, the silliness, the work it takes to get along. There are times when only another women knows what you are going through. That connection that is there from being a wife, a mom, a sister, a daughter, a friend , a women. I give a loud HALLELUJAH for all the true friendship that have survived through time and distance. It is hard. I know I have lost some along the way, but I have wonderful memories and I have a hope that there will be a reconnection one day. I also have those who have been with me for years and will always be there. I have been blessed in my life with all different women friends. I meet new ones everyday. I learn from every single one. I say to all women out there," WHAT DOESN'T KILL YOU MAKES YOU STRONGER" and that would be surviving true friendship. I will have these belles with me forever!

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