Traveling with friends can either strengthen the friendship or break it. As belles we find it important to remember to take precautions to make traveling together enjoyable and fun! When traveling with friends make sure to keep these things in mind: flexibility, patience and selflessness and compromise.
Flexibility is key when traveling. We are five different belles with five different personalities and interests. Without flexibility our belle hopping escapades would quickly come to an end. I think it is important to meet, email, talk on the phone before the trip and state each person's expectations before leaving. It is best to put this in writing so that it can be referred to during the planning of activities before arrival. Often you may want to try something new, like skiing on our Sundance trip and everyone agrees to this activity, but there might also be an activity that you just aren't interested in that you might want to sit out such as a movie that you just aren't interested in seeing. Remember that when you are on a trip with friends there will be activities that you should all do together so you should be flexible but at the same time you should express what you want out of the trip and have that heard and included in the plans. For the Sundance trip we planned many together activities like the Snowed Inn dinner, shopping, movie watching and skiing. This was the result of listening and planning based on everyones' wants! By being flexible we were all able to enjoy activities that we wanted.
Patience is a virtue! How true that statement is -- especially with the belles! Remember that not everyone is like you and that usually is a good thing because it takes all kinds to make the world go round right??? So, when you are traveling with that friend that has the need to take a picture of EVERYTHING be patient! When you are all ready to go and one friend needs to apply that last layer of hairspray for the perfect touch -- be patient!! When you are a light sleeper and go to bed early and your friends need to pass by you for a glass of water, shower, etc -- be patient!!! Try to keep in mind that most likely if you are being patient with your friends they are most likely being patient with your need to look up everything and be two hours early just in case :)
Selflessness and compromise make traveling with the belles a success! I can honestly say that we wouldn't work as a group if any one of us had to have our way all the time. It is all about compromise and giving of self. Sometimes you want to do it your way -- we are all like that! There are those that naturally seem to insert their thoughts and tend to lead the group in one direction but remember to be honest about your feelings. Remember to give and take with your friends. Treat everyone as you would want to be treated. The golden rule is imperative!
So, traveling with friends is about building relationships, sharing in fun times and trying something new! It is important to check your egos at the door of the plane. Remember that you are with your friends because you love them and want to spend time with them. Most of all, remember that the trip is about strengthening the relationships with others and not tearing them apart. Be like the belles and try traveling with friends keeping these ideas in mind.
Flexibility is key when traveling. We are five different belles with five different personalities and interests. Without flexibility our belle hopping escapades would quickly come to an end. I think it is important to meet, email, talk on the phone before the trip and state each person's expectations before leaving. It is best to put this in writing so that it can be referred to during the planning of activities before arrival. Often you may want to try something new, like skiing on our Sundance trip and everyone agrees to this activity, but there might also be an activity that you just aren't interested in that you might want to sit out such as a movie that you just aren't interested in seeing. Remember that when you are on a trip with friends there will be activities that you should all do together so you should be flexible but at the same time you should express what you want out of the trip and have that heard and included in the plans. For the Sundance trip we planned many together activities like the Snowed Inn dinner, shopping, movie watching and skiing. This was the result of listening and planning based on everyones' wants! By being flexible we were all able to enjoy activities that we wanted.
Patience is a virtue! How true that statement is -- especially with the belles! Remember that not everyone is like you and that usually is a good thing because it takes all kinds to make the world go round right??? So, when you are traveling with that friend that has the need to take a picture of EVERYTHING be patient! When you are all ready to go and one friend needs to apply that last layer of hairspray for the perfect touch -- be patient!! When you are a light sleeper and go to bed early and your friends need to pass by you for a glass of water, shower, etc -- be patient!!! Try to keep in mind that most likely if you are being patient with your friends they are most likely being patient with your need to look up everything and be two hours early just in case :)
Selflessness and compromise make traveling with the belles a success! I can honestly say that we wouldn't work as a group if any one of us had to have our way all the time. It is all about compromise and giving of self. Sometimes you want to do it your way -- we are all like that! There are those that naturally seem to insert their thoughts and tend to lead the group in one direction but remember to be honest about your feelings. Remember to give and take with your friends. Treat everyone as you would want to be treated. The golden rule is imperative!
So, traveling with friends is about building relationships, sharing in fun times and trying something new! It is important to check your egos at the door of the plane. Remember that you are with your friends because you love them and want to spend time with them. Most of all, remember that the trip is about strengthening the relationships with others and not tearing them apart. Be like the belles and try traveling with friends keeping these ideas in mind.