So, I guess by now you are thinking to yourself.... "yeah, those trips sound great, I'd LOVE to do something like that"......"but that's not something I can afford.... that's for RICH people". Well, I'm here to tell you, YOU can afford it.... it's NOT just for RICH people.... Lord knows none of us are! So, let me tell you HOW to do it. There are 3 main ideas you need to embrace in order to start your worldly travels with your girlfriends.
The first is TALK. You need to start talking to everyone involved in your trip planning process, especially your support network. Your support network is the KEY link in this whole process. They will be the ones who pick up your kids from school, do homework, and put them to sleep at night. They will manage the household duties that you usually perform. So, it is important to talk to them and help them understand the importance of girlfriends hanging out and bonding ALONE for a few days, here and there. It's important to let them know you need to keep/find your identity as a woman, not JUST a mom, wife and daughter.
Next is PLAN. Planning is KEY (see Leslie's post). It will enable you and your friends make the best / cheapest decisions well in advance. When I took the Belles to Vegas for my 40th birthday, I had to make the RIGHT decisions to get as many people there for the lowest amount of money.... I used Hotwire for my FABULOUS rooms at the Wynn and my rental car.... and I checked airfares daily! Ultimately I sent myself and 4 other girls to Vegas in a 5 start hotel for 3 nights (including airfare) for less than $1000. That was a result of early and intense planning.
Thirdly is SAVE. This is the most important part for those pinching pennies. I am not suggesting that any one "break the bank" on this one. In fact, I am suggesting just the opposite. There are two ways to go about this.... the first is to set up your own bank account and be dedicated to add to it every WEEK. Why do I say week? Well, it's because it is HARDLY NOTICEABLE from the family finances if you are careful about how you save AND you cut back on small things every week. For example.... one way I saved money was to cut two trips to McDonald's out a week (that saved $25 a week!!!) SO, then you live up to your "cutbacks" go directly to the bank and deposit it there. Now, the second way, and what I am trying to implement for The Belles, is PAYPAL. I suggest setting up a Paypal account that all of the travelers have access to and decide on an amount ($20-25 a week) that is good for all the girls. Just know that if you choose too low of an amount, it may not be taken too seriously, so STRETCH yourselves… it will increase your dedication to the trip AND your friends.( 425/week = $100/month which means 2 “bigger “ trips a year!) Why Paypal? Well, it is not only easy access (we all use our computers constantly), but it keeps everyone "onboard" and motivated because they all can see who has contributed and how much.... sometimes peer-pressure is not so bad.
So, make the cut-backs (5 Starbucks = $25) so if you combine 2 Starbucks + 1 McDonald's trip....Voila... You'll be Jet Setting in NO TIME!!