I have to admit that I LOVE hanging out with the belles! That has to be obvious right? Anyway, since we are five different women with five different lives it takes a LOT of work to get us together. That usually means that we can't do a "belle" event on the whim. So what do you do when something great is going on and you want to attend and the belles aren't all available? You grab a friend and go!
The purpose of us deciding to be a travel group was to encourage each other to try new things, take on challenges, and develop strong friendships that will stand the test of time. As a belle we never want to discourage each other because we can't all get together and share the adventure. We also realize that while we are GREAT friends we aren't our ONLY friends!
This past weekend the chance to see Lady Antebellum and Tim McGraw in concert was too tempting! I grabbed a four pack of tickets from Ticketmaster and called a "girls night out!" Shannon was the belle available and I talked my sister and her friend Sara into joining us! We had a blast! Who can resist a girls night out that starts at noon???
Shannon and I headed up to Atlanta and hit one of my favorite spots: Vintage Village on Scenic Highway in Snellville. Love to rummage through little haunts that haven't figured that they could raise the prices about 3x's and they still would be offering bargains! I did mention I was with Shannon right? So, next stop of course -- TJMaxx! New shoes, new dress and a surprise for Angela all in about 30 minutes! On to my sis' to pick up the rest of the group and off to see the show!
We arrived in time to tailgate -- girl style of course. We dined on edamame salad, sushi, western salsa, hummus and london broil. We each enjoyed our favorite beverage of choice and enjoyed the scenery.
The concert was amazing! Lady Antebellum hold a special place in the heart of any Augusta girl like me. Tim McGraw was AWESOME as usual! Did I mention that he provides eye candy for no extra charge?
As great as everything was I realized that the experience of sharing time with friends and family was what I loved most! The belles have inspired me! Before becoming a belle I would have only thought about taking the day for myself. I have become empowered to celebrate the things I love. I have become challenged to make time for myself and my friends so that my relationships of all kinds remain solid. Finally, I have become aware that I am important and worth the expense (big or in this case little) and that I am worth it!
Lise recently did a girls weekend to Savannah with some of her friends and I realized that she too came back a different person. Angela just returned from New York with her son -- a dream come true! The belles may not be together all the time but we work hard at living vicariously through each other and encouraging each other to GO FOR IT!!!
Thanks girls!!! (oh, don't forget -- Next weekend Belle trip ;)