For those who don't know me well yet, I do a lot of things great! Figuring out how to work a blog is not one of them! I would rather be in the gym! So, now that I finally DID figure this new blog thing out, here I go! YES! We are getting ready to go! I can not wait to see Utah again. It has been 18 years since I was there last. Never to Park City though. I can not wait to walk around, see new things and have a FABULOUS time with the BELLES!
You can teach an old dog new tricks! This is my first time "Blogging"! Ooooh! I'm not a blog virgin anymore. So, I bought my tickets to Utah this morning and am so excited. By Shannons vigilant watching of fares, not only did I get a great price, but NO booking fees! This saves a lot of money as well. Also, by travelling together, we save on gas/parking/shuttle fees. Does this make me a "Belle Hopper"? I know... Shannon just wants me to come to bring her coffe and make beds. Lol I guess that just makes me a "Belle Hop". I'm good with that :)
YEAH!!! You are blogging!!! I'm so glad you got your ticket today! Can't wait for the fun to begin. You know me -- already on the trail of great spots to go see and already doing the "research!". I got my travel guide yesterday and there are some really great spots to investigate -- more info later :)
I was looking at some Ugg boots (you have to have great boots in Park City), when I found the cutest boots in the world! They are by Juicy Couture and the style is Igloo. Tell me what you guys think. (They have pompoms!) I think zappos.com has them for the best price so far.
Lise, did you get them?? I can't wait to see!
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