Sex and The City 2 premieres this Thursday, May 27th! It is true I am a HUGE fan of the show and the first movie so I am of course VERY excited about the second movie coming out! I can't wait to go see the movie and celebrate the girls! While the movie is already being reviewed as wonderful I have to honestly say that it is only part of the reason I can not wait for the release. The other reason is that we have created a Belle event centered around it!!!
Now you may wonder why??? Why would a travel group decide to celebrate a movie release? Are we all HUGE fans? Not at all! Do we all secretly identify with Carrie, Charlotte, Samantha, or Miranda? Probably but we wouldn't necessarily admit to it ;) Are we all dying to wear a fabulous pair of stilettos? I for one am not!!! Then what is the draw?
SATC2 is about celebrating women and their relationships with each other...and this movie centers around an amazing girl trip!!! Do you see the picture? It is the Belle motto after all -- great women, great times and a great trip!!! When we had our last outing I was going on and on about the movie ( did I mention I am a fan:) and as always with the Belles as fabulous idea occurred! LET'S THROW A PARTY!!!! We have been wanting to do a one day Belle trip lately after all!!!
So the idea was born and the planning began! As with any other Belle trip Shannon took to the fb page and put the idea and word out (even before all Belles were on board -- ha,ha )! Although this isn't an away trip the planning has been the same ... details go to Leslie .... style goes to Lise .... reservations go to Elyse (we are pulling her kicking a screaming this time but as always she is a good sport) ... and celebrity coverage to Angela of course! We started talking to friends and a major event that will revival the official New York premiere is underway!
Eight sponsors later we have an amazing location, gifts for the guests that would thrill any celeb and will definitely pamper our gals, a fabulous themed buffet of appetizers and a drink list that will leave everyone talking ;), and a look that will have us feeling like we were on the movie set!!! Remember -- the champagne taste of the Belles!!! We have pulled of an amazing feat and can't wait for our friends to join us!
So, this Friday, May 28th at 7pm join us at HighWire Lounge on Clayton St. in Athens. The backroom is the VIP lounge and THE PLACE TO BE!!! Come dressed as Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte, Miranda, Big, Aidan or just YOU!!! Come party with the Belles and enjoy what we enjoy -- time to celebrate who we are, why we are worth it, and what wonderful friends we have that love us no matter what! Everyone is a Belle this time and we can't wait to see you!
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