And they said it couldn't be done!! Well guess what??? I, the Queen of Packing WAY too much did it!! Did what you might ask?? I achieved something that I literally have stressed about for 8 months! I packed for 4 days in nothing but a carry-on suitcase.
That's heard correctly...EVERYTHING!! Toiletries, travel rollers for my massive hair, shoes and outfits...and let us not forget the ever important ACCESSORIES!!! I even packed the cute red hat I purchased in Park City, Utah at Mary Janes. Might I say it looked pretty fab the morning I wore it to meet Lady Liberty!
Last week I traveled to the big city...NEW YORK CITY...with my son's 8th grade gifted class. About 45 of us went...including students, two teachers and moms and dads as chaperones. This trip had been in the works since these kiddos were 7th graders and we have been planning and paying for it all year long. Finally the week arrived for our big journey. We flew out of Atlanta last Tuesday morning at nine. Nothing like going through security with a bunch of teenagers...but it all went off without a single problem.
In the planning process, we were told that to avoid extra charges as well as the headache of checking in baggage, that we could only bring a carry on. NO checked baggage. Well, as my Belles know, this chick has a little bit of a problem when it comes to the packing department. I never quite know how I will FEEL on a certain day so I like to pack options in the outfits department. Thus lies the stressful issue at hand for to pack, what to pack and knowing that whatever I pack its a one a day options!!
Since I knew we would be doing lots of walking, shoes for the first time in my LIFE, were not a deal breaker. I wore sneakers the entire time...shameless plug here...Reebok Easytones ROCK! Seriously, if you are wanting an athletic shoe that works your legs AND looks good these are an awesome choice! I LOVE THEM!! I brought one other pair to wear...fashionable grey ones for one other option...and that is it! You heard it folks...two pairs of shoes! I won't even go into detail how hard it was for me to not wear heels in the city of fashion. I mean WWCT??? What would Carrie think?? (I am sure you know who I am talking about here and can I say EVERYWHERE around NYC there are billboards, sides of buses and signs promoting the new movie. One of my most favorite shows ever and I cannot wait until the movie comes out!)
Now onto the clothes...I knew it would be on the chilly side so I wore layers. Those yummy wraps that you see in all the stores are absolutely perfect for such a thing. I adore Ann Taylor Loft and I found some cute things there for the trip. Everything was lightweight, didn't wrinkle and easy to pack. Add some cute jewelry and even with the sneakers, the outfits looked cute if I do say so myself.
When it came to the toiletries I went with the bare minimum. And since you all know how I love my aerosal hairspray, I was able to pack a 2 ounce can and it worked just fine. Plus one of those days I wore a spray needed! I even was able to pack my make-up and I refuse to not go without that!!
Before my trip I did go to TJ Maxx...I LOVE that store...and bought a really cute and chic leopard print carry-on suitcase that met airplane regulations. It was perfect and as soon as everyone saw it they all had to say they totally knew who that suitcase belonged to! Hmmmm...I wonder why???
I am really proud of myself for being able to get it all in a carry-on. I know that this is so easy for so many of my friends out there, but it is a big deal to me. Added bonus...being able to get off the plane and just go! No need to wait around at baggage claim and I loved not having to spend a dime to take my stuff on my trip!
One last thought, New York City was amazing! I so loved experiencing it with my oldest child. This was his last big middle school moment before heading to highschool in the fall (sniff, sniff!). We created so many wonderful memories, our days were crammed full from sun-up to late at night and we saw and did EVERYTHING! Even got to see "The Lion King" on Broadway which was spectacular!! I will have to post another blog just to talk about all the fabulous things we did and saw. Just remember, if this Belle can pack it all in one bag, so can you! It can be done and just think about the money you will save not checking in your luggage. More money for you to shop and have fun!!
I am soooo proud of you!! You saved $50 each way and looked FAB as well!!
Angela - I am SO impressed! In all my travels there is only one time I can remember that I took a carryon only - next time we take off I'm going to think about you and try to make it happen!
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