Wednesday, August 25, 2010
I am not lost , just crazy busy......
This year started off with an amazing trip to Park City, Utah for the Sundance Festival. In March, my husband and I took our 16 year old Megan to New York City!! One of my oldest and dearest friends who is like a sister to me and who has been to New York hundreds of times, took off work and was our tour guide! Then this same friend, Jill, just moved to San Fransico 2 weeks ago. Megan, the 16 year old, drove from Washington, D.C. with Jill to San Fransico! I flew out 2 weeks ago and stayed 5 days and got to see some of CA!! Now, it wasn't with the belles, but being a part of the belles has given me this great desire to see the world and experience new things. I feel that part of being a belle is to share. Be it with your daughter, husband or friend. The belles want all to take time for themselves and hopefully take the time to enrich their lives.
More to come on what I saw and did.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
SO.... who do you think YOU are?"
Well, I guess that question has been asked of me a FEW times in my life, and usually, I have to answer with a smile... "well, that depends". You see, I kind of "morph" a bit, depending on the context and situation. Firstly, I am a believer, I am a mom, a wife, business person, filmmaker, artist, budding runner and most consistently.... a dreamer. None actually "claim" hold over me, but they all fight for first place in line. My first priority, however, is to my God and then my family.
I am the "big picture" belle of the group, love me or leave me, I have enough "quirks" to fill a dump truck, but love life and my friends even more!
I have just hit the "prime" of my life, turning 41 this February. It has brought about a lot of change in my thought processes that are probably a little bit different than the "younger" belles in our group. I find myself constantly asking myself, now..... " how is this going to effect my family, my friends.... the world". Now, I know that may sound a little "cheesey" and for those of you who know me well, a little un"blingy".... but I have come to a place, where I realize life is short..... VERY short, and what I leave behind, is ALL of me there will be when I am gone. What I leave my children with (dreams, beliefs, moral compasses) that is the only way to leave my thumbprint, if you will on the generations to come. I look at the world (USA) as it is now, and frequently have to apologize for what we will be leaving my kids to deal with.
I have a HUGE heart for Africa. I have a friend who is part of a ministry to street kids in Uganda, hopefully I will be able to take my oldest kid, Blake jr. next summer over there so he can see how "the rest of the world" lives, and have his heart pricked enough to do more for the helpless than I ever could.
I LOVE U2, and every lyric that has ever been scribbled down by the hand of Bono. ( I saw them twice last year - Barcelona, Raleigh.
I am a STAUNCH Constitutionalist in the most Jeffersonian use of the word. I believe in the idea of freedom for ALL people as a God given right. I believe in free enterprise and capitalism, I HATE SOCIALISM on any level. I believe in working HARD for what you have, and even HARDER to get what you don't. I don't believe in "handouts", but "hand-ups". I am a bootstrap girl who came from a family that had not much, according to American standards, and have worked hard everyday of my adult life to give my children more.... BUT also, to teach them the value of work and the dollar. Nothing good comes free.
I teach my children to ALWAYS stop, face the flag and put their hands over their hearts, EVERY TIME the National Anthem is played.... NO EXCEPTIONS. We frequently talk about what people have given up, even today, for that flag, and it WILL be respected. ( I tear up, even now, just writing these words :))
I love my friends. Not much more to say about that, but if you are one, you know I love you and would do ANYTHING to defend you..... I have offered to kick many a bottoms for my friends, whether they were right or wrong, I will always be on your side.
I love to travel. I hope when I am 90 I will still be out climbing up the Rock of Gilbraltar, or seeing a bullfight (I am sure they will by hijacked by the politically correct by then though), or attending a rally for members of a country that are not yet free (shout out to my Iranian friends in Athens). I hope I will always live life to the fullest.... as Bono (my only "idol" here on earth) says in the song KITE, "I'm not afraid to die.....I'm not afraid to live.....And when I'm flat on my back...I hope to feel like I did".
My kids are my life. I have 4. Blake, 12, Drew-Davis, 10, Stuart, 8, and Benson, 4. We are SUPER busy and have a hectic life, but I would not change a minute of it.... NOT ONE MINUTE. Two of my boys have AD/HD pretty intensely, and that is not if you have a kid who is "different" believe me, I can relate. BUT, I have found, these are the kids that God gave us for a REASON.... and it's not my job to question that, but to embrace it and cultivate it, the best I can.
My husband, Blake, is my stability. I knew when I shook his hand, he was the one..... He told me he loved me on day 2 and asked me to marry him on day 3..... 15 years later, I love him more than the first time I saw him, singing on stage in some smokey bar in Norfolk, VA. He lets me run, as far and fast as I can.... or until the money runs out!! :)) He is my soul-mate.
It has taken me a long time to realize that I am the LEAST perfect person in the world.... it is truly a wonder how the people around me love me and put up with me. I act before I think, I say what I should censor, and I spend more than I make..... but somehow, facing your imperfections help you to accept who you are, and work on being better, not believing you have it all figured out, and helps you to accept there is a plan.... you won't know what it is, till you are past it, but it IS a plan, and you just have to keep walking thru it.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Meet Elyse

Hello! I am excited to tell everyone a little about myself!
Name: Elyse Giles
Personal: I am the youngest, but married the longest to Doug Giles for 17 roller coaster years! We have 3 wonderful children, Megan 16, Douglas 14 and Madelyn 11. I know this is information about me, but my family is a large part of who I am and I am so grateful to have a supporting, loving husband and children.
Quote: "It is not in the stars to hold our destiny, but in ourselves." I will explain why I love this quote later on.
I am not a Georgia native, but moved here to Athens at the worst possible time in a teenagers life, 16!!! I have now lived here 21 years (if you do the math you guys will know how old I am!) A short 4 years later I was happily married and on the way to starting our beautiful family!
My piece of the pie in this Belle group, is FITNESS!! When my husband was in chiropractic school we could not afford a gym membership. I was 50 pounds overweight after having 3 children in less than 5 years. When our youngest was one, I was on our bed and realized that I had just eaten an entire pan of magic bars and I knew I needed to change. I had been active before and I am a happy, love to talk to people, energetic and thought "Hey, I could be a fitness instructor." Get paid to workout! And that was the start of my love for exercise. I am seen almost always in my workout garb. Black. So I hope you recognize me in the Belle pictures. It is going on 11 years, and I have taught almost everything there is fitness wise to teach. I am living another dream right now and that is The YMCA's Wellness and Fitness Director. Another huge bonus to me teaching is I LOVE to cook, bake and eat! My favorite shows are Top Chef, The Next Food Network Star and Biggest Loser. Need I say more??
My connection to the rest of the Belles is of course Shannon! I am her friend and trainer. Leslie and Angela mentioned Las Vegas in their bio's. That was the starting race of this magical group. We have done 2 AWESOME trips! When I was in college, and before I was married I really thought I was going to be an International Business Woman! I had 4 years of French and just knew I would be traveling to France to do big deals! Well, that wasn't the plan then. But, dreams really do come true. You might not know when they will happen, but I guarantee if you set a goal, focus and are constantly positive you will be amazed at the opportunities that will come to you. That is why I love my quote "It is not in the stars to hold our destiny, but in ourselves." Make your destiny and fulfill it BIG!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
And who are YOU???

Welcome to Terrific Tuesday! On the theme of getting to know the is my turn to tell you all about MOI! And in turn I am looking forward to reading about my fellow Belles and maybe learning a new thing or two about them!
Name: Angela Walters
Personal: Married to Keith for 16 years and proud Mommy of three children...Austin age 14, Reagan age 12 and Maison Belle age 6. My children are the joys of my life and my husband is a wonderful man who can do everything...and at fatherhood he is AMAZING!!
I am a Georgia native and a true Southern Belle who loves all things "Gone with the Wind", sweet tea, crossword puzzles, the beach and the GEORGIA BULLDOGS!!! I am usually seen wearing a pair of sunglasses, drinking a diet Coke through a straw and toting an US Weekly magazine. As everyone knows me will tell you, I love to remember the days of my youth and am always using the phrase "remember when??" I love singing, dancing, all genres of music, going to concerts and reality television. In fact I have been in love with broadcasting and a microphone since the age of five. My daddy worked for a radio station and from that age I knew what I wanted to be when I grew up. My first job at the age of sixteen was working as the weekend disc jockey for the local radio station. After obtaining my Associate of Arts Degree from Young Harris College, I continued my education at the University of Georgia in which I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Broadcast Journalism.
Of course, it was hard finding a job in that field but finally I did...I began my career and got married all within 3 weeks of each other. I was the weather anchor for a television station in south Georgia and I loved it! Fast forward and here I am today...a stay at home mother of 14 years. I love what I do now but I will never forget the opportunity that I once had and getting to pursue my passion!
Being a part of the Belles has allowed me to find a new passion in my! I have always enjoyed going and doing and seeing new places...there is so much of the world out there and I love experiencing it! Life is so short and when opportunity presents itself you have to just take it and GO! I am the one in our group who loves to make people laugh. I love making people smile and being a good friend is so important to me! I also love all things pop culture and being aware of the latest fashion trends. I am super organized and tend to be a bit of a neat freak...and I really like to clean! I like to check into seeing all that might be going on where we are going and some of the fun things to do once we get there. I am the one who must have her lipstick on wherever we go and I love to accessorize. After all, a girl can never have too many pairs of shoes or purses! Shannon was the common thread that linked our group together but in doing so I have gotten to know and become friends with these four other awesome women. We have created memories that we will cherish forever. Getting the opportunity to go and see so many unique places has given me treasured experiences and when I return I am a much better person because I come back renewed and full of energy.
Life is such a short journey in the grand scheme of things. I think about that more and more when I look at my children and realize how quickly they are growing up. I never knew when I was holding my son as a baby that in the blink of an eye he would be a teenager. Which leads me to this...we need to ENJOY each and every day that is given to us. Traveling is enabling me to do just that, not only with the Belles but my own family as well. I am thankful my children have been able to go places more so than I ever did as a kid. Now as a grown-up, I am finally getting the chance to see places I always wanted to. You have to love to live and live to love...have fun and most of all, be the best YOU that YOU can be!
Monday, June 28, 2010

This week we have decided to re-introduce ourselves to our blog followers. Since many of you know maybe one or two of us but most don't know us all we thought it would be fun to give you a little background info. Enjoy getting to know each of us as we have enjoyed getting to know each of you!
Name: Leslie Maddox
Married: yes to Josh for 16 blissful years!
Age: not the oldest and not the youngest!!!
Children: Garrett(15), Paige (13) and Morgan (12)
Dream Belle Trip: Greek Isles if trip is abroad and California wine country stateside
Motto to live by: If you don't try you won't ever know!
I always hate those times when you are asked to describe yourself with one adjective! The reason being is that I can never do that! You know when you take those aptitude test that tell you what side of the brain you use most in order to decide if you are creative, analytical, calculating, etc? Well, I always score right down the middle!!! So I guess that makes me the organized creative one in the group! The girls often make fun of my compulsive desire to organize every detail but let it be said I am ALWAYS the one they go to for answers about what we are doing!
A native of Augusta, Georgia, I have always loved to travel. My husband, children and I love the idea of adventure and often take excursions instead of vacations so that we can explore the unknown! I have an undergraduate degree in history and have always dreamed of visiting all the places that I have studied! My idea of a perfect trip is one where I can find the off beaten path that only the locals know. If I can become a part of the town for the time I'm there and really get a flavor for how it is to live there I am happy. If I can make a friend to stay connected to the place forever -- even better!
How did I become a belle? As my children have grown out of the "playdate" mode I realized that I was missing the presence of girlfriends in my life. Enter the bellehopping group! As we all traveled to Las Vegas for Shannon's birthday it was obvious that we had found something that we all were craving! Friends and fellowship!!! I look forward to each outing, event or trip because it gives me the opportunity to spend time with these wonderful women who each add to my life and my enjoyment of the group!
Each of us brings something different to the group. All a part of a whole. I am the one who handles all the details, reads the fine print, makes the schedules, puts in the calls. I organize the trips! I most likely fell into this position because I'm a little bit of a control freak :) but honestly I LOVE being in the know. Good with surprises -- that's not me! I need to know that everything is worked out and the details are handled and then I can sit back and relax! I am also of a closet artist and love to use my creative side so if we have a party I handle the decorations and theme -- just cause it makes me happy and makes the belles happy!
Being a belle has given me the opportunity to make new friends, build on established friendships, step out of my box and take chances. I was always the rule follower and that's not a bad thing but I am learning that it's ok to take chances and try new things. I love seeing new places. I love that I can be a better wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend because I am doing things that make me happy! I want to inspire my children to dance through life and enjoy the moment. For me it is part of what defines me -- gives me fresh air and just makes me smile!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Cruising PART 3
Well, tonight, I will finish up with 5, 7 and 8. These all have to do with getting on and off the ship, and what you can expect to pay for.
Friday, June 25, 2010
So, I've already touched on 1&3, so today I will hit 2, 4 & 6. All of these deal with your "day" on the ship, which will either really make it or BREAK it, according to how you spend your time on your relatively short vacation.
Time is precious.... and COSTLY! Remember... even though this cruise was SUPER cheap.... you still spent PRECIOUS $$$ for it! Every minute is paid for and you should make the most of it! Now, don't misunderstand me, you don't have to be running from shuffleboard, to climbing wall to casino, to shuffleboard again every minute of the day. BUT, they will put a schedule under your door every night (and it will be in your room on the day you arrive) and it will list ALL available activities and the times they all occur..... this way, you don't have to miss out on ANYTHING! (or you can decide to just relax and miss it all, the choice is yours!) Here is one important piece of advise when traveling with your girlfriends..... remember, it's FUN to do stuff in a group, push yourself to stay connected, even when you feel like you want to just veg out.... do it with someone else! BUT it is also important for all of the girls in your group to understand and respect each others preferences...... (example: I will be spending some time in the casino, Elyse will not, she doesn't gamble, or particularly care for it.... so I won't be pressuring her to join me, but, she may decide to come watch me win my millions for a few minutes, just to show her support) We don't have to all love the same things to have a great time, and usually, if you stretch yourself, you may find you like something you have never thought you'd try.... like rock climbing, or wave surfing, or KARAOKE!!!! Which brings me to my next thought....
Let me tell you, I am not usually a "game player" with a bunch of strangers.... I want to stay in my little circle and hang with my friends.... BUT, on my recent trip to Bermuda my entire family mandated that we all go to these silly contests (trivia night, karaoke, newly wed game, scavanger hunt...etc) WELL, much to my surprise, it was one of the FUNNEST parts of the trip! I STRONGLY suggest getting your "teams" together and showing up for these activities on board.... you will meet new people and have a GREAT time to boot!! (we will try to put out a schedule where Bellehopping is going to compete in these and then get everyone to join in)
Lastly.... dinner. Well, I haven't gotten the details yet from Lois, but I will have all of us on the same dinner and hopefully all at the same tables. (the largest is a 10 top) Expect excellent service and LOTS of food!!! You can order as much off of the menu as you want (my brother-in-law often had 3 entrees at dinner!) The dress for dinner is pretty nice, and I suggest, again, one of those maxi dresses.... they don't get wrinkled and look great! There will be one formal night and we will try to schedule a time for the ENTIRE group to photograph together in the lobby. This also means we will all have the same "show" schedule. REMEMBER... cut loose and have a great time. And brush up on your karaoke and trivia!
Monday, June 21, 2010

WELL.... I just got back off of the most WONDERFUL vacation ever! "WHAT could be that great?" I'm sure you're wondering.... well, let me tell you, it will take probably 5 blogs for me to give you all of the great details and check lists, so check back regularly with pen and paper in hand to create your own "to do" list for our "Girlfriend's Cruise" over the Labor Day weekend.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Everyone is a Belle this time!!!

Sex and The City 2 premieres this Thursday, May 27th! It is true I am a HUGE fan of the show and the first movie so I am of course VERY excited about the second movie coming out! I can't wait to go see the movie and celebrate the girls! While the movie is already being reviewed as wonderful I have to honestly say that it is only part of the reason I can not wait for the release. The other reason is that we have created a Belle event centered around it!!!
Friday, May 21, 2010

What a whirlwind few months. I am making time to blog and grateful to the rest of the belles who have continued to keep the blog running. We have bought a house and are selling our house (no bites yet) all the while still homeschooling, training, working, getting kids to all kinds of practices, keeping the house clean, making dinner,keeping my husband happy and MOVING! Just another day.....I have to remind myself how blessed I am in love,home, family and friends. I had a conversation with my sister the other day ( she and her family are finally moving back home after being gone for over 1o years!) about having the belles as friends. My sister was venting about a supposed friend who talks about her behind her back. She had gone on a weekend girl trip and said they had a blast! Now that they are home the snide remarks come out. At first I was thinking that I really don't have one true friend, and then I stopped and said "I have the Belles". I am now 37 and know that even though the belles don't see each other every day or even talk every day, the friendship and commitment we have formed is strong. We are 5 strong, beautiful women who have realized the importance of women friends. Who else is there that understands how much we do with kids, homes, and families? Other women. So I am publicly saying thank you to my Belles for loving me and caring about me while I have been swamped with everyday life. I want women everywhere to have the same. It takes time and commitment but aren't all good things worth it?
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
What to "carry-on" when you can only bring a "carry-on"!!
And they said it couldn't be done!! Well guess what??? I, the Queen of Packing WAY too much did it!! Did what you might ask?? I achieved something that I literally have stressed about for 8 months! I packed for 4 days in nothing but a carry-on suitcase.
That's heard correctly...EVERYTHING!! Toiletries, travel rollers for my massive hair, shoes and outfits...and let us not forget the ever important ACCESSORIES!!! I even packed the cute red hat I purchased in Park City, Utah at Mary Janes. Might I say it looked pretty fab the morning I wore it to meet Lady Liberty!
Last week I traveled to the big city...NEW YORK CITY...with my son's 8th grade gifted class. About 45 of us went...including students, two teachers and moms and dads as chaperones. This trip had been in the works since these kiddos were 7th graders and we have been planning and paying for it all year long. Finally the week arrived for our big journey. We flew out of Atlanta last Tuesday morning at nine. Nothing like going through security with a bunch of teenagers...but it all went off without a single problem.
In the planning process, we were told that to avoid extra charges as well as the headache of checking in baggage, that we could only bring a carry on. NO checked baggage. Well, as my Belles know, this chick has a little bit of a problem when it comes to the packing department. I never quite know how I will FEEL on a certain day so I like to pack options in the outfits department. Thus lies the stressful issue at hand for to pack, what to pack and knowing that whatever I pack its a one a day options!!
Since I knew we would be doing lots of walking, shoes for the first time in my LIFE, were not a deal breaker. I wore sneakers the entire time...shameless plug here...Reebok Easytones ROCK! Seriously, if you are wanting an athletic shoe that works your legs AND looks good these are an awesome choice! I LOVE THEM!! I brought one other pair to wear...fashionable grey ones for one other option...and that is it! You heard it folks...two pairs of shoes! I won't even go into detail how hard it was for me to not wear heels in the city of fashion. I mean WWCT??? What would Carrie think?? (I am sure you know who I am talking about here and can I say EVERYWHERE around NYC there are billboards, sides of buses and signs promoting the new movie. One of my most favorite shows ever and I cannot wait until the movie comes out!)
Now onto the clothes...I knew it would be on the chilly side so I wore layers. Those yummy wraps that you see in all the stores are absolutely perfect for such a thing. I adore Ann Taylor Loft and I found some cute things there for the trip. Everything was lightweight, didn't wrinkle and easy to pack. Add some cute jewelry and even with the sneakers, the outfits looked cute if I do say so myself.
When it came to the toiletries I went with the bare minimum. And since you all know how I love my aerosal hairspray, I was able to pack a 2 ounce can and it worked just fine. Plus one of those days I wore a spray needed! I even was able to pack my make-up and I refuse to not go without that!!
Before my trip I did go to TJ Maxx...I LOVE that store...and bought a really cute and chic leopard print carry-on suitcase that met airplane regulations. It was perfect and as soon as everyone saw it they all had to say they totally knew who that suitcase belonged to! Hmmmm...I wonder why???
I am really proud of myself for being able to get it all in a carry-on. I know that this is so easy for so many of my friends out there, but it is a big deal to me. Added bonus...being able to get off the plane and just go! No need to wait around at baggage claim and I loved not having to spend a dime to take my stuff on my trip!
One last thought, New York City was amazing! I so loved experiencing it with my oldest child. This was his last big middle school moment before heading to highschool in the fall (sniff, sniff!). We created so many wonderful memories, our days were crammed full from sun-up to late at night and we saw and did EVERYTHING! Even got to see "The Lion King" on Broadway which was spectacular!! I will have to post another blog just to talk about all the fabulous things we did and saw. Just remember, if this Belle can pack it all in one bag, so can you! It can be done and just think about the money you will save not checking in your luggage. More money for you to shop and have fun!!
Monday, May 17, 2010
What's A Belle to Do?

I have to admit that I LOVE hanging out with the belles! That has to be obvious right? Anyway, since we are five different women with five different lives it takes a LOT of work to get us together. That usually means that we can't do a "belle" event on the whim. So what do you do when something great is going on and you want to attend and the belles aren't all available? You grab a friend and go!
Friday, April 23, 2010
Ok,..... so it seems we have ALL been taking some much needed "down time" here on our blog.... well... nap time is over! We have a newspaper article, a magazine article (hopefully with the cover of us!!), the Peach Tree Road Race training/ race, a possible summer weekend trip to the beach and the Bellhopping Labor Day Girlfriends Cruise to get ready for. But I wanted to kick start this new wind with some ideas about the importance of taking a break from your girlfriend group, to get perspective. As women, we LOVE, well, really NEED the interaction we get from our close girlfriends. It's something guys still don't "get" and probably never will. But, sometimes we lose our perspective on important things, such as kids, husbands, households and jobs when we invest ALL of our time planning our next GREAT ADVENTURE. Now, hear me say, there is NOTHING wrong with planning that next big trip and getting everyone excited, but remember.... everyone includes ALL of the people on your support team as well.... the one's who WON'T be going.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
What Makes A Good "Belle"

When trying to decide who you want to travel with, I think it is important to keep in mind the traits of any good relationship. Blake, Shannon's husband sent us this link saying that he thought "belles" should be the kind of person who would be in a healthy relationship. Although this is talking about relationships and one might think it would mean of opposite sex it also can be applied to ALL relationships! Take a look at this article and see what we consider to be qualities fit for a belle!
Not long ago, I published an article about six qualities to admire in others, and the response was extraordinary. I prefaced the article by saying that the six I mentioned were by far not an exhaustive list, but included those traits that seemed especially hard to find. In reading all of the comments, however, I was inspired to write a follow-up list that covers some of the other qualities that I, as well as others, believe to be important when looking for friendships and relationships with others.
Our relationships are vital to our mental well-being. However, toxic relationships can really do a number on our happiness and outlook on life. As a result, it is important to look for individuals who possess qualities that allow for healthyrelationships. Although, once again, not an exhaustive list, the qualities listed below are those that should be at the very heart of a healthy relationship. And, just as you would expect your friend, family member or loved one to display these qualities, it is just as important to reciprocate.
- Loyalty: Whether it's in friendships or in family, loyalty is truly important to maintain a healthy relationship. All of us are guilty, at one time or another, of making mistakes, having ups and downs, and even displaying some behavior that we may not always be proud of. When we find friends or loved ones who can forgive us and stand by us…even during our worst moments…we should be especially grateful. That said, loyalty should never be taken for granted and we should always be deeply appreciative when it comes our way.
- Respect: I once knew an individual who was very opinionated about political topics. She would talk down to people who disagreed with her and would be very disrespectful. Not only did she make people feel stomped on, but she left many disinterested in friendship. Treating others with kindness and the respect they deserve is important in gaining the respect that WE desire. It never feels good to be taken for granted, judged or used and it doesn’t feel good to be talked down to or treated rudely or inappropriately. There will be times that we may not always have full agreement with our friends or loved ones, but respecting them along the way is a must.
- Unconditionally There: There is nothing worse than having someone always resurface in your life when they are in need, are looking for something or need a favor. In a culture of “you scratch my back, and I’ll scratch yours,” it is somewhat rare to find those “who just scratch your back,” period. Finding individuals who want you in their lives just because…and not because they want something in return is refreshing and worth holding on to. Those who are generous of heart are to be treasured!
- Trustworthy: I once worked with a woman who, within my first week on the job, felt the need to tell me all of the intimate details of the various extra-marital affairs that had occurred with the management of the firm. She was supposedly friends with these people and I have no doubt, was told this information in the most strictest of confidences. How she felt it was appropriate to divulge this information to a new-hire like me, I still have no idea. But, it was her nature to gossip about everyone and everything. If you share something in confidence, you should be able to trust that the information will remain that way.
- A Genuine Sounding Board: Taking a genuine interest in what others have to say and really listening to someone is important in developing solid relationships. Letting go of the “me, me, me” and focusing on the other person not only makes the other person feel valued and appreciated, but they feel that they can really talk to someone who cares. Those who take the time to really listen to our thoughts and feelings, and then help us work through difficult times and situations, share our lives at a much deeper level than those who don’t. These are individuals worth hanging on to.
- Dependability and Following Through: I had a friend who frequently would RSVP to small gatherings and then would never show. They never explained…never brought it up…and never apologized. Although this example is somewhat trivial, it still makes the point. Obviously there are times when things come up that prevent individuals from following through on what they promise, but if a friend, co-worker or family member perpetually drops the ball, they may be sending you a message. If a friend says they are going to do something or be somewhere, you should be able to count on them. And, in reciprocation, they you.
What traits do you look for in a friend or partner? Are your relationships healthy?
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
So, I have an iphone... and let me tell you, I don't know HOW I ever lived without it! Really, I don't WANT to remember. I can Facebook, surf and play Mancala during all the "downtime" in my life. Who could ask for more? Well, just when you thought it couldn't get any better.... I found BRAND NEW APPs, and they are just for travel!! I will tell you, I have only tested these, but I am sure they will really come in handy on my next trip to Europe or the Caribbean. All of these cost less than $3 a piece, and some of them were FREE!
Here's what I got : eCurrency (it is a currency converter for any place you may travel.... this is updated DAILY so you can make sure you are getting enough Euro for your Buck), Translate It! (a translator in 14+ languages), TripDeck ( an organizer for all of your trips and info that can link you directly to your airline to check in on your phone or connect with your hotel or rental car... really amazing!), The New York Subway Map, Eat-a-Rama ( which locates you and then all of the places to eat around you), Measures (converts American to metric measurements), AAA Discounts (just what it says), Urbanspoon( "local" joints off the beaten path), Vicinity (locates you and then sends you to Wikipedia to tell you something about the place, history, pubs, cafes, banks etc where you are standing.... it uses GPS... very cool!).
These things, in my opinion are a MUST and I am on the look out for more! Let me know if you you have AWESOME travel apps that I can add to my list.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Five Meals for Five Days Away

Why try? This is a great dish for entertaining or for a weeknight meal because you can make it ahead before baking and then refrigerate or freeze it to bake right before serving. If you freeze it, make sure to use a freezer-safe dish and allow it to thaw completely before baking.
- 6 cups pulled white chicken meat
- 24 ounces Mexican blend shredded cheese, divided in half
- 2 bunches green onions, tops only, chopped, divided in half
- 2 – 10 3/4 ounce cans cream of chicken soup
- 1 – 4 ounce can green chilies, chopped
- 3 cups sour cream
- 1 cup pitted black olives, sliced
- 12 – 6 inch flour tortillas
- 1Preheat oven to 350°F.
- 2Combine half the cheese, half the green onions, cream of chicken soup, chilies, sour cream, and olive. Set aside 2 cups of this mixture for the topping. Add the chicken to the remainder for filling and mix well.
- 3Put 2 heaping tablespoons on each tortilla and roll up tightly. Arrange seam-side down in a single layer in a greased 9 x 13 inch baking dish.
- 4Spread reserved topping, sprinkle over second half of cheese and green onions. Refrigerate overnight or freeze.
- 5Bake uncovered for 45 minutes or until hot, golden, and bubbling. Serve.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
When it weighs more, you pay more!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Jet Setting on the "CHEAP"... FOR REAL??

So, I guess by now you are thinking to yourself.... "yeah, those trips sound great, I'd LOVE to do something like that"......"but that's not something I can afford.... that's for RICH people". Well, I'm here to tell you, YOU can afford it.... it's NOT just for RICH people.... Lord knows none of us are! So, let me tell you HOW to do it. There are 3 main ideas you need to embrace in order to start your worldly travels with your girlfriends.
The first is TALK. You need to start talking to everyone involved in your trip planning process, especially your support network. Your support network is the KEY link in this whole process. They will be the ones who pick up your kids from school, do homework, and put them to sleep at night. They will manage the household duties that you usually perform. So, it is important to talk to them and help them understand the importance of girlfriends hanging out and bonding ALONE for a few days, here and there. It's important to let them know you need to keep/find your identity as a woman, not JUST a mom, wife and daughter.
Next is PLAN. Planning is KEY (see Leslie's post). It will enable you and your friends make the best / cheapest decisions well in advance. When I took the Belles to Vegas for my 40th birthday, I had to make the RIGHT decisions to get as many people there for the lowest amount of money.... I used Hotwire for my FABULOUS rooms at the Wynn and my rental car.... and I checked airfares daily! Ultimately I sent myself and 4 other girls to Vegas in a 5 start hotel for 3 nights (including airfare) for less than $1000. That was a result of early and intense planning.
Thirdly is SAVE. This is the most important part for those pinching pennies. I am not suggesting that any one "break the bank" on this one. In fact, I am suggesting just the opposite. There are two ways to go about this.... the first is to set up your own bank account and be dedicated to add to it every WEEK. Why do I say week? Well, it's because it is HARDLY NOTICEABLE from the family finances if you are careful about how you save AND you cut back on small things every week. For example.... one way I saved money was to cut two trips to McDonald's out a week (that saved $25 a week!!!) SO, then you live up to your "cutbacks" go directly to the bank and deposit it there. Now, the second way, and what I am trying to implement for The Belles, is PAYPAL. I suggest setting up a Paypal account that all of the travelers have access to and decide on an amount ($20-25 a week) that is good for all the girls. Just know that if you choose too low of an amount, it may not be taken too seriously, so STRETCH yourselves… it will increase your dedication to the trip AND your friends.( 425/week = $100/month which means 2 “bigger “ trips a year!) Why Paypal? Well, it is not only easy access (we all use our computers constantly), but it keeps everyone "onboard" and motivated because they all can see who has contributed and how much.... sometimes peer-pressure is not so bad.
So, make the cut-backs (5 Starbucks = $25) so if you combine 2 Starbucks + 1 McDonald's trip....Voila... You'll be Jet Setting in NO TIME!!